The Good Night Sleep You Deserve

Having a newborn is one of the most exciting and exasperating times of your life. We are here to help make the transition of introducing a new little one into your home the least tiresome it can be. It’s no secret that new babies don’t come with instructions, but we can help get you and your family on the right track with gentle sleep training techniques based on schedules and consistency.

Meet the TEAM

experts in giving your children their best start


We are here to help parents be the best they can be with their newborns.

As we work with your family, we will teach you about your infant’s evolving sleep patterns and how to encourage healthy sleeping habits. To help your baby begin to sleep soundly through the night, we will give guidance and foster the structure your newborn needs.

Unhealthy sleeping habits rarely resolve themselves. As infant and child sleep consultants, our goal is to educate families on how to create healthy sleep habits. We empower families, helping you gain the confidence and skills to independently make educated decisions about your child’s sleep. As your baby’s sleeping patterns evolve, it is important to understand the sleep timeline of changes before they happen, so that you are prepared to make adjustments to his/her sleep habits. Well-rested children are better able to deal with a variety of stimuli, they are able to hit developmental milestones faster, and they generally have better temperaments and dispositions.

It is our job to help you become the best parent that you can possibly be for your newborn. Parenting can be difficult even when you and your baby are well-rested. We can help you and your infant start out on the right foot by providing you with peace of mind and the right education to support your little one.

Babies are unique in personality and disposition. Likewise, parents are unique in their parenting philosophies and lifestyles. We will design a plan together that you feel comfortable with, and we will remain right by your side to coach you and answer any questions that arise every bit of the way.

A rested family is a happy family!

What Parents Say…

Angela is amazing. My husband and I were both so nervous about taking care of a newborn, but Angela gave us so much great guidance and advice. She helped me with breastfeeding issues, taught us how to give the baby a bath, and gave us more pro tips than we can count.  She saved us hundreds of research hours and we were able to rely on her for help instead of going down the Google rabbit hole. She loved on our son like he was her own and we trust her completely. Her time with him at night allowed us to get the sleep that we needed to parent well during the day. We now have an 8-week old that sleeps well and we feel much more confident as parents. I recommend using her as many days a week as possible for as long as she is available. Unless we’re having another baby, then she’s already booked :).

The Anderson Family